TOMO とも 15年以上の豊富な美容師経験を持ち、幅広い年齢層のベストなスタイル、デザインを提案します! With over 15 years of experiences as a hairdresser, Tomomi can suggest the best styles and designs for a wide range of ages!

RYO りょう 15年以上の豊富な美容師歴。 東京有名店出身であり、ハイトーンカラーや繊細なカットが大人気です! Over 15 years of experience as a hair stylist. Ryohei comes from a very famous salon in Tokyo, his high-tone colors and delicate cuts are very popular!

HARU はる 15年以上の豊富な美容師経験。 キャリアに裏付けされた得意のハイトーンカラーでは、細かいハイライトを使った繊細なバリアージュが大好評です! With over 15 years of experience as a hairdresser. Haruka is good at high-tone coloring, and her delicate balayage using fine highlights is very popular!

AYA あや 東京、海外での美容師経験として15年以上!経験豊富な知識で安心感のある技術と接客でおもてなしをします! With over 15 years of experience as a hairdresser in Tokyo and overseas! With Aya’s experienced and knowledge, she will provide you with reliable techniques and customers service!

NAO なお 東京表参道有名店や海外で10年以上の美容師経験を経てブリーチカラーを使ったハイトーンカラーや今のトレンドに合わせたスタイルが得意です! With over 10 years of experience as a hairdresser at a famous store in Omotesando, Tokyo and overseas. Naoka is good at high-tone coloring using bleach color and styles that match the current trends and fashionable!!

YUMIKA ゆみか 美容師経験10年以上!丁寧な接客で一人ひとりのライフスタイルに合わせたスタイルを提案します。 With over 10 years of experience as a hairdresser! Yumika has careful customer services, she will suggest styles that suit each individual's lifestyle.

YUMIKA ゆみか 美容師経験10年以上!丁寧な接客で一人ひとりのライフスタイルに合わせたスタイルを提案します。 With over 10 years of experience as a hairdresser! Yumika has careful customer services, she will suggest styles that suit each individual's lifestyle.
With over 15 years of experiences as a hairdresser, Tomomi can suggest the best styles and designs for a wide range of ages!
RYO りょう
Over 15 years of experience as a hair stylist.
Ryohei comes from a very famous salon in Tokyo, his high-tone colors and delicate cuts are very popular!
AYA あや
With over 15 years of experience as a hairdresser in Tokyo and overseas! With Aya’s experienced and knowledge, she will provide you with reliable techniques and customers service!
NAO なお
With over 10 years of experience as a hairdresser at a famous store in Omotesando, Tokyo and overseas. Naoka is good at high-tone coloring using bleach color and styles that match the current trends and fashionable!!